- Redpost Pressure and Temperature
- Older Redpost monitors with a pressure channel were referred to as RPTs instead of the now standard RPU. (e.g. RPT-122 or RPT-243).
Base Value
- This is a parameter used in PU calculation.
- See our Science pages for a detailed explanation.
Beer Bug
- An alternative name for a PU Monitor.
- The clamp is the metal part of the rubber bottle top. It allows a good seal to be formed around the neck of the bottle.
- This refers to the coldest point in the package and is most often used as the PU pick-up point.
- See our Science pages for a detailed explanation.
- Short for Cutoff temperature and used in PU calculations. At or above this temperature PUs are accumulated. Below this temperature they are not.
- See our Science pages for a detailed explanation.
Dome Height
- The depth of the recess under the bottom of the can. Useful when calculating your probe lengths.
Dummy Plug
- See T-Plug.
Exit Temperature
- The temperature of the product as it leaves the Tunnel pasteuriser.
- See our Science pages for a detailed explanation.
- Flavour Degradation Unit
- See TDU.
Flash Pasteurisation
- Inline pasteurisation using high heat for a short time period.
- See our Science pages for a detailed explanation.
- Used in conjunction with Sterile Fill.
- The metal 'basket' that protects the PU monitor and package under test during the run through the pasteuriser.
- A key plug that allows access to the settings of a PU Monitor.
- See our Product pages for more information.
Lethal PU
- Some brewers use two PU cutoffs; a Non-lethal PU and a Lethal-PU, this is because of the resistance of some microorganisms to lower temperatures.
- See our Science pages for a detailed explanation.
- This plug was used as a dummy pressure channel plug on RPT-122 units.
- Pasteurisation Unit
- See our Science pages for a detailed explanation.
- PU Monitor
PU Pick-up
- This can refer to a graph produced by pasteuriser control software that shows the rate of PU accumulation during the run of the pasteuriser.
PU Pick-up point
- This refers to the location within the package where the temperature used in calculating PUs is being measured.
- See our Science pages for a detailed explanation.
- The product container usually a bottle or can.
Panel Offset
- The depth of the recess surrounding the ringpull on a can. i.e. countersink depth minus Panel height. Useful when calculating your probe lengths.
- This term was invented by Redpost as there seems to be no industry term used to describe this dimension.
- A process of taking a beverage or food stuff to an elevated temperature for a specific period of time in order to kill the majority of microorganisms that would otherwise reduce a product's shelf life.
- The American spelling of Pasteurisation.
- See Pasteurisation.
Plate Pasteurisation
- See Flash Pasteurisation.
- The liquid inside the package being pasteurised i.e. Beer, Mineral Water, Fruit Juice.
Product Stability
- Product stability is achieved when sufficient microorganisms have been killed to guarantee the required product shelf life.
- Alternative name for Push-Up.
- The depth of the recess under the bottom of the bottle. Useful when calculating your probe lengths.
- This addition to a PU Monitor frame allows bottle holders and can fittings to be changed much quicker than normal.
- These replace the standard wing-nuts on can fittings to allow faster turnaround when replacing a can.
- Redpost Printer Charger
- This is the desktop unit that charges the Redpost monitor and either transfers data to a PC or prints reports directly(e.g. RPC-50 or RPC-80).
- Redpost Pressure and Temperature
- Older Redpost monitors with a pressure channel were referred to as RPTs instead of the now standard RPU. (e.g. RPT-122 or RPT-243).
- Redpost PU monitor
- This refers to the monitor unit that travels through the pasteuriser recording the number of PUs accumulated and/or the pressure of the product under test (e.g. RPU-352).
- Software produced by Redpost to connect an RPC-80 or RPC-50 to a Redpost PU Monitor.
Sterile Fill
- The process of filling pre-sterilised bottles in a sterile environment with sterile product. Often used in conjunction with a Flash Pasteuriser.
- See our Science pages for a detailed explanation.
- Used in conjunction with Flash Pasteurisation or Sterile Filtration.
Sterile Filtration
- An alternative to pasteurisation that uses advanced filters to remove microbiological contamination.
- Used in conjunction with Sterile Fill.
- A dummy plug that disables a temperature channel of a multi-channel PU monitor.
- See our Product pages for more information.
- Thermal Degradation Unit
- Sometimes called Taste Degradation Units.
- See our Science pages for a detailed explanation.
- Thermal Impact Unit
- See TDU.
Test Plug
- A plug that emulates a temperature probe at a fixed temperature.
- See our Product pages for more information.
- Seldom used nowadays, a chart recorder which can be used to assist PU calculation. Sometimes used to refer to a PU Monitor.
Travelling Recorder
- Sometimes used to refer to a PU Monitor.
Z Value
- This is a parameter used in PU calculation.
- See our Science pages for a detailed explanation.